Thursday, February 7, 2013

Let’s Go to the (Blog) Hop…

I can’t say often enough how great writers and bloggers are about helping each other out. It might be advice, proofreading for each other, sharing each other’s work or spreading the word about great promo opportunities.  When fellow writer, Langley Watts Cornwall, posted in a group on facebook about a Blog Hop, I was intrigued and quickly jumped on board.
So what is a Blog Hop, you might be wondering? Well, it kind of reminds me of an “old fashioned” chain letter type thing. Okay, now you are probably thinking “Oh no way,” but some of those chain letters were really cool, remember? I have done the recipe ones, where you add your name to a list and then send a recipe to the next three people, and then you end up getting several recipes mailed to you.  Ever done one of those?
Anyway, a Blog Hop just helps you to find really cool blogs that you may not otherwise know about. You will find great writers and see what they are up to. You will find other creative and interesting people who have decided to join us as well. So what do you have to do?
Technically, (and trust me, I am NOT a technical type person) all you have to do is read my blog, learn a little about what I am working on, and then follow the links I will provide to check out a few of my awesome friends. Their blog will have links to other blogs, and you can just keep blog hopping at your own leisure and enjoyment. Sounds cool, doesn’t it?
My Blog Hop post is scheduled to post on March 6th, so be sure to Follow or Join my blog so you can keep up with all the neat stuff that writers, bloggers and creative types alike are up to! You can also click on Langley’s name up above and see what she is up to, and who is on her list for you to blog hop around to.
I have some very interesting people lined up to link you to when I post, and they in turn have found some more interesting people to introduce you to. You’ll learn about writing books, running websites and even a bit about herbs and natural treatments!
Tell your friends to stop by my blog and join in on the fun! Y’all can grab a cup of coffee, or whatever your preferred drink is, and hop around and meet some interesting people!
Until next time…write on! Donna

1 comment:

Langley Cornwell said...

You know, you're right, it is kinda like a chain letter deal. It's going to be fun. Thanks for the shout-out!